ESMA released an updated list of CCPs
ESMA released an updated list of CCPs recognized under EMIR (see Public Register for Clearing Obligation; see Press Release).
ESMA released an updated list of CCPs recognized under EMIR (see Public Register for Clearing Obligation; see Press Release).
This proposal modifies the “seven-part” test of swap definition to: 1) to clarify that the interpretation applies to embedded volumetric optionality in the form of both puts and calls; and…
This proposal: 1) provides that all records required under this regulation must be searchable; 2) excludes identification requirements of communications leading to the execution of a transaction in a commodity…
The Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivatives Regulators Group (ODRG) issued a report today that provides an update to the G20 Leaders regarding the ODRG’s continuing effort to identify and resolve cross-border issues…
Chairman Massad remarked today at FIA’s Expo 2014 that further no-action relief for packaged transactions is forthcoming. He states: "I also wish to announce that CFTC Staff have recommended extending…
Yesterday, the European Commission adopted equivalence decisions for CCP regulatory regimes in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore but not the US. See here for the press release. The provisional…
There are three topics on the CFTC agenda. The call-in details are available in the links to the CFTC’s event releases below. Forward Contracts with Embedded Optionality: Clarify the CFTC’s…
On October 11, the FSB, FDIC and Fed released statements on the new ISDA Resolution Stay Protocol.
On October 1, ESMA released a consultation on clearing obligations for FX NDFs (comments due November 6, 2014.) On September 29, ESMA released a draft consultation on derivatives definitions…
Comments are due by October 30, 2014. The CFTC is revising a system of records under the Privacy Act of 1974, CFTC– 12, Fitness Investigations, and renaming the system ‘‘National…